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A collaborative environment is key to productivity. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. The key to success in this lab is to harness our collective strengths in our shared wisdom and knowledge,  build partnerships while helping each other to overcome our weaknesses. Individual differences in working style should be appreciated but ultimately, we are all professionals and must learn to work together effectively as a team. To that end,


  1. Please remember we are part of the same team. Every member of the lab, whatever the role may be, is equally valued for his/her hard work . 

  2. Please respect and support your peers and share what you know. 

  3. Please be receptive to constructive criticism, which should lead to actionable items. Feedback will be better received if your colleagues think you care about their work and you show them how to improve it.

  4. Scientists are passionate people and discussions can get heated. However, please remember to always criticize the work, not the person. Words or actions that can be perceived as demeaning, whatever the intention may be, will often fail to convince others your viewpoint and will not win you fans. 

  5. Failures are a part of science and mistakes are a part of life, but we must learn from them each time and repeated mistakes should be avoided. As data integrity is of utmost importance, once a mistake is identified, the first thing to think about is how to correct it and prevent it from happening again. Recognizing and owing up to an error should be applauded and not punished, so please be accountable for your own actions and refrain from blaming others.

  6. We live in a diverse environment and should celebrate our differences. However, culture differences and language barriers can lead to misunderstandings. Please give each other the benefit of the doubt and be tolerant and forgiving.

  7. Should conflict arise, with peers in or outside of the lab, please come to me first or you can address with that person one on one if it is within your comfort zone. Direct interpersonal communication is still the most effective way of conveying your thoughts and clear up any misunderstanding. 

My door is always open! My job is to support the lab in reaching our commons goals and in the process, accomplishing your own career vision. To that end, I am always open to discuss problems you might be having in lab, and how to overcome it.


Principles: Research
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